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CHAIN-REDS Science Gateway Week

CHAIN-REDS Science Gateway Week

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

Catania, Italy, April 7th11th, 2014


The CHAIN-REDS project is pleased to announce that a video referring to the Science Gateway Week, one of the CHAIN-REDS dissemination and training success stories is now available for download on the project website.

The Science Gateway Week was held in Catania, Italy, on April 7-11, 2014 at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Catania.

The training focused on the Science Gateway deployment and Identity Federation services installation. Representatives of Research Networks from Morocco, Algeria, Jordan as well as scientists and technologists from South Africa and Sweden participated in the training.

The aim of the training was to use the Catania Science Gateway framework deployed and developed in the context of CHAIN-REDS in order to:

  • Implement Science Gateways in the above mentioned regions;

  • Deploy applications for the Virtual Research Communities (VRC) that have to be supported in these regions; and

  • Create identity federations to allow the researchers belonging to these regions to have easy and seamless access to these distributed computing infrastructures.

A similar training, - CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways - will take place on June 9-20, 2014 in Catania, Italy.

For more information about the Science Gateway Week held in April (outputs, interviews with participants, etc) visit the CHAIN-REDS website and download the video in (high or low resolution).

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