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New Grid Site at Kuwait University

New Grid Site at Kuwait University

Posted on: 13 Dec, 2023

UNESCO-HP Brain Gain Initiative (BGI) Project links African and Arab Region universities to global knowledge. Kuwait University is one of the beneficiaries of this project. ASREN (Arab States Research and Education Network) has a similar vision which aims to provide pan Arab e-Infrastructures dedicated to collaborative research and education among Arab countries.
Kuwait University with ASREN has implemented and installed a Grid Site in Kuwait University as a pilot project and makes it a part of the ASREN Arab Grid infrastructure. A full grid site with all related services is installed and configured at Kuwait University. The new site KU-01-KUGRID is now part of EUMEDGRID Project sites. The KU Grid Node extends the collaboration between ASREN and Kuwait University and further connects the users in Kuwait University to ASREN Grid. The site is also included in the Arab Regional Operation Center so that it will be visible on the regional grid environment.

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